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A brief introduction to North Country Baptist Church


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The number one question people ask is: "What's it like at North Country? We are a rural church surrounded by farm fields and woods, continually reminding us of how great and creative our God is!  Being in the "far north" of Michigan's lower peninsula, we are a church in a unique environment that serves families of all ages. We have people that drive from Atlanta, Cheboygan, Rogers City, Onaway, Hillman, and all the surrounding communities in between! 


People come from a variety of life situations. We have cancer survivors, young moms, divorcees, retirees, newly weds and yet all of us recognize our need of Christ. Don't worry about what you have been through, we are grateful that you have come to worship with us.


We recognize that visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating and perhaps even nerve wrecking. As you come, just know that there are people at North Country just like you that are pursuing a relationship with God, and they would love to get to know you. 

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One of the blessings of North Country is the families that come each Sunday. You will find kids of all ages at North Country and our teens regularly are active in the ministries of the church. 


Each Sunday, we have a Children's Church during our morning worship, where your children would find a safe and enjoyable environment to learn about God on their level. All of our children's workers have cleared a National Background Check with Protect My Ministry


Throughout the year, we have junior and teen camps, Father/Son camp, ladies activities, Vacation Bible School, Youth Group for teens, and so much more! 


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What are our church services like? Our services are centered upon the preaching of the Word of God. By far the most important time of our worship service is when we have the opportunity to hear from God through His Word.


The music is a combination of hymns both new and old. Some use the screen up front to sing off of, some still prefer to use the hymnal. God has blessed us with talented musicians where a couple times a month we have a variety of instruments playing with our congregational singing. 


Overall you will find the worship services at North Country reverential in nature, reflecting the greatness and gravity of God. 


Because of the rural nature of our ministry here, the ministry of North Country has adapted to our area to best serve the people in our church and reach the people of our community.


First of all, winters are tough and lonely up here in the north, thus we move our Sunday Night services to 1 PM in the afternoon from November through March. Each week then we have a family style bring in dinner after the morning service that gives us an opportunity to get to know one another better.


Secondly, we recognize that we are country people. Our church sits in a hayfield along M-68, and yet we are so thankful God has placed us here. Don't worry about having "church" clothes when you come. Wear what you have. Just know that we are thankful you are apart of North Country.


Lastly, we often get asked about live streaming our services. We have just started uploading our services to our YouTube Channel! The services will not be live streamed, however, uploaded a couple hours after our morning services. While being able to broadcast our services online is a convenient, modern day blessing, we strongly encourage you to join us each week. We also update our church's Facebook Page regularly with events and activities that go out throughout the months. 


© 2024 by North Country Baptist Church

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